5 Myth Busters: MSL Board Certification

As the medical science liaison (MSL) and medical affairs space evolves, the Accreditation Council for Medical Affairs (ACMA) thought it would separate fact vs fiction when it comes to MSL Board Certification.

1. Myth:

What differentiates a certificate from a certification is the inclusion of a training component


What differentiates a certificate from a certification is that a certificate is the result of an educational process only. A true certification comes from an accrediting body (like the ACMA) which is a standard setting organization. Certification includes an assessment process, usually an exam.

2. Myth:

Any organization can confer an MSL Board certification.


Certifications are awarded by 3 rd party standard setting organizations which also offer continuing education units (CEU) to ensure that the professional standards are maintained, through a certification renewal process.

The ACMA is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET/ANSI) which means we are accredited to award CEUs to professionals such as MSLs. No other medical affairs or MSL organization can claim this.

3. Myth:

There were other MSL certifications prior to BCMAS


The BCMAS program was launched in 2015 making it the first MSL and Medical Affairs Board Certification Program in the world. Additionally, completing the 20 prep modules in BCMAS confers CME/CE credits. 2 ( Click to see the 2017 press release below)

4. Myth:

The BCMAS program is focused on the U.S. only


The BCMAS program is a globally recognized board certification in over 40 countries. There are BCMAS programs for Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Canada, and South America where material is customized based on regional differences in the regulatory & compliance landscape (For example, FDA vs. EMA vs. Health Canada)

5. Myth:

MSLs are NOT part of medical affairs


Unless you’re still operating like it’s the year 2000, >95% of MSLs are under the Medical Affairs Function in pharma.

Well, there you have it. The 5 Myths about MSL Board Certification. Interested in Becoming Board Certified in Medical Affairs?Click here to get started


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