Five Careers for Pharmacists in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry presents pharmacists with career opportunities that provide better flexibility and work-life balance, all with greater earning potential. If you are a new grad looking for career options or a pharmacist looking to make a change, here are five areas where you can leverage your clinical knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry: Medical Affairs: This functional area...

Interview Tips For Your Next Medical Science Liaison Interview

While going into any sort of interview can be a daunting matter, here are some tips that will help you crush your next Medical Science Liaison interview! Prepare your pitch: Almost every interview begins with “Tell me about yourself.” Knowing that this will be asked gives you the opportunity to have a 2-3 minute pitch prepared on who you are and how you will best fit into the MSL role. ...

What does a Medical Information Specialist do?

A medical information specialist (MIS) is a medical affairs professional employed within a pharmaceutical company to actively bridge the knowledge gap surrounding their product by providing answers to inquiries from both the medical community and the general public. In order to reactively respond to external product questions, many pharmaceutical companies have informational call centers staffed...

Why the Board-Certified Medical Affairs Specialist remains the industry standard for Medical Affairs

The Board-Certified Medical Affairs Specialist (BCMAS) certification developed by the Accreditation Council for Medical Affairs (ACMA) remains the only accredited board certification program for Medical Science Liaisons (MSL) and Medical Affairs Professionals. This rigorous certification offers 20 modules of content across various industry topics, such as health economics and outcomes research...

Is Becoming Board Certified as a Medical Science Liaison Worth It?

Medical science liaisons (MSLs) play a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry by providing healthcare professionals (HCPs) and key opinion leaders (KOLs) with accurate and insightful data on pharmaceutical products. However, with the diversity of educational backgrounds among MSLs, it can be difficult for HCPs and KOLs to know who they can trust. That's where board certification comes in....

Enhancing Training for Medical Science Liaisons in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In the fast-paced and competitive pharmaceutical industry, Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) play a crucial role in bridging the gap between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals. They act as scientific experts, conveying complex medical information and fostering strong relationships with key opinion leaders (KOLs) to drive the successful adoption of products. To ensure MSLs are...

BCMAS Certification: The New Gold Standard for MSL and Medical Affairs Professionals

Why the Board Certified Medical Affairs Specialist (BCMAS) Program should be required for Medical Science Liaison (MSL) & Medical Affairs Professionals. ........................................................................................................................................... In today's rapidly evolving pharmaceutical industry, the roles of Medical Affairs and MSL...

Becoming a Medical Science Liaison (MSL) is hard

A career as a Medical Science Liaison (MSL) is a rewarding one that allows you to use your scientific expertise to educate and inform healthcare professionals about new therapies. However, breaking into this career can be challenging for a number of reasons. Here are some of the reasons why breaking into the MSL career can be difficult: Specialized expertise: MSL positions typically require a...